Step-By-Step On How To Send An OcuMarketing Campaign

  1. From your Ocumail Dashboard > Click on the tab at the top that is labelled 'OcuMarketing'

  1. On the next screen, you can select from a number of templates. (Use the blue scroll bar to scroll horizontally)


Once selecting whichever email campaign you want to go ahead with. Example is going to show for Custom Campaign.

  1. Click on 'Create Campaign'.

  1. You can then edit the fields —> (Email subject, Preheader Text, Header Image(Upload an image), Header Link (Where the image once clicked redirects you to), Intro Title, Body Text 1, Body Text 2, Call To Action (Text), Button A and Button B (First and Second buttons respectively). You can either turn on or off to include social media links in your campaign with the little toggle that says 'Include social media links'.

  1. Once you are happy with your content, you must then select an 'Action Date' which is when the campaign will go out to your patients.

  1. The 'Content is finalized' toggle right below the Action Date field MUST be turned on in order for the campaign to go out once you have sent the campaign (Will get to this lower down in this thread).

  1. Last step is to fill out —> (Last consultation date(Which is what date range for patients do you want to target?), Age slider(For the ages of patients you want to target), Info Modules( If you want to add any information regarding any condition you can add that by selecting an appropriate info module from the drop down and then hitting 'Add >>', Patient Tag(Which is the type of patient you want to market to), Exclude Patients(Which means you can exclude patients you don't want receiving this campaign), Campaign coverage(This is for if you are not happy with the number, you can decrease it, you cannot increase it more than the fullest) *Note, using this slider will decrease/increase the 'Total Cost' of the campaign depending on what you do.
  2. Once you are happy with the 'Total Cost' you can then select preferred payment option (EFT or Debit Order), And you must, IF you are happy with all you have done, set the 'Set campaign as ready to be sent' toggle ON, this must be turned on if you are happy.

*NOTE: The two most important toggles are 'Content is finalized' and 'Set campaign as ready to be sent'

Once happy, you can click the 'Save Changes' button and let the automation do the rest 🙂

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